Monday, September 12, 2011

Ahuimanu Fun & Craft Fair

What a fun event!  There were inflatables and carnival rides for the kids, prize giveaways throughout the day, great entertainment, and lots of vendors to browse and shop.  A very special thank you goes out to Tanya for organizing the event - everything went so smoothly and fun was had by all!  We had a light shower blessing of cool Windward rain in the morning and the rest of the day was absolutely beautiful. 

Lots of fun for the kids with the beautiful Koolau Mountains in the background

I love coming out to craft fairs and expos.  I get to talk to and meet with so many people, and get instant feedback on their favorite scents and the warmer designs the they like the most.  Flutter and Just Breathe were the favorite scents of the day and the Grotto and Heavenly plug-in warmers were the favorite warmers.  And I loved seeing kids faces light up with a big smile when they smell Happy Birthday - it always brings a smile to those that smell it.

I also got to reconnect with some very special friends that I hadn't seen in years.  Wendall, Charlene & Tissy had a booth 2 spaces down from me.  I used to be Wendall & Charlene's  Assistant years ago (and I mean YEARS), I remember when Tissy was just an elementary schooler.  She is now grown with a child of her own and another on the way.   I also saw Gina who I used to work with many moons ago.  So many fond memories and lots of hugs all around.

My best memory of the day was when this one family walked by.  I gave one of the guys (a big guy with long hair and sunglasses) my scent sample / business card.  "Want a smell good?" I asked.  He smelled it, came over and said, what is this?  I explained about the warmer with a light bulb instead of a flamed scented candle.  And how the wax is warmed by the light bulb which makes it really safe.  As the wax melts, it makes your whole room smell really good!  He was so excited, he brought the rest of his family over and explained to them all about  Scentsy.  He kept saying, its a light bulb, its a light bulb.  I was so tickled to see how excited they were.  It was like that throughout the day.  I love sharing Scentsy and seeing how excited people get by it.

My next event will be on Saturday, October 1st at the Windward Hoolaulea at the Windward Community College.  It will be from 9:00 am - 8:00 pm.  Come down and visit.  I'll have our NEW solid perfumes, new Fall / Winter scents, and our beautiful warmers on hand.  See you there!

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