Sunday, September 25, 2011

Talking to God

Do you do it?  Do you talk to God, the Universe, a higher being, or just talk to yourself?  I decided about a month ago to talk to God every night before I go to sleep and every morning when I wake up.  What do we talk about?  At night I thank him for all of the blessings that he has given me that day.  I thank him for the new customer who has just fallen in LOVE with Scentsy because she saw it at her friend's house and is excited to have a party so she can see and smell everything and share it with her friends, or being invited to come back to a craft fair that I did last year - and I was the very first person they contacted (what an honor), or my child and husband raved about the dinner that I cooked that night, being thankful that I have 2 crazy cats and that my Kili is still with me after over 15 years together.  Whatever thing that touched my heart that day - that is what I give thanks for.  No matter how big or how small. 

In the morning, I thank him for the wonderful day that I am going to have, remind myself that I am open to receive amazing business opportunities today, and give thanks and appreciation for the wonderful things that I have.

Since I have started talking to God, I have received blessings each and every day.  Maybe before this, I didn't really pay attention.  Maybe I was receiving lots of opportunities and blessings but I didn't hear or see it.  Maybe I was focusing on the negative or trying to "chase" too hard so what I was receiving was a lot of nothing!   I have decided to focus on the positive, count my blessings, appreciate the opportunities that come my way, and help the people who loves what I have to offer. 

Are you having a tough time?  Are you struggling in some way?  Are your emotions torn, not sure which direction to go?  You have a choice - rise up and focus on the positive, focus on the good that is around you, gravitate towards people who can lift you up and encourage you - talk to God, or your inner self each night and morning about the positive and successful YOU.  Then listen and receive. 

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